June 3

Check out this old ad from “Toronto Computes!” in the late 90s.

Scan of Toronto Computes! free newspaper/magazine from 1990s Canada cover - September 1997. At top: '100,000 copies.  www.torontocomputes.com. Main headline: Cyber savvy celebs: Ziggy & other Canadian stars talk about life online. Pictured Ziggy Lorenc lounging on a light green velvet love seat in a glamourous gold dress. Other headlines: 'Fix It, Buy It', 'Speakers that sound great!', 'Computerfest see inside'. Also pictured CBL Data Recovery Technologies ad with binary 1s and 0s pattern and text 'The lost and found for ones and zeros.'Toronto Computes!, September 1997, featuring a CBL ad: All these years later it’s still not a matter of IF but WHEN data will end up lost for even the savviest of celebs, businesses & home users. Here to help find it!

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